Rizka, Yoifah; Wijaya, Lani Febrianti; Mulawarmanti, Dian(The 4th Joint Scientific Meeting in Ddentistry and The 7th Temu Ilmiah Nasional, 2017-10-05)
: Periodontitis is one of oral complication that commonly found in patients with Diabetes Mellitus. One of the bacteria that causing this disease is Porphyromonas gingivalis (P.g). Handling periodontitis with Diabetes ...
Prasita, Viv Djanat(Institut Pertanian Bogor, 2016-07-21)
This study was conducted to evaluate the zonation of MCA in Pamurbaya. The methods are field survey, GIS methods using satellite imagery in 2012, 2014, and 2015. The results showed that the zoning of MCA has no less ...
Parisihni, Kristanti; Agustia, Lita; Mulawarmanti, Dian; Revianti, Syamsulina; Laihad, Fanny M.(31th Internasional Association for Dental Reserach, South-East Asia Division - 28th Soth East Asia Association for Dental Education, 2017-08)