Preliminary studies have highlighted the potential of Indonesia’s
geographical, suprastructural, and infrastructural conditions to
develop a strong shipbuilding industry, which is crucial for the
success of the world maritime axis program and sea toll.
However, despite high expectations, the industry faces challenges
that threaten business sustainability, leading to bankruptcies. To
assess business sustainability, it is essential to establish criteria
and sub-criteria, which previous studies have overlooked,
focusing only on technical and economic factors. Therefore, this
research generally aims to develop and analyze environmentally
friendly sustainable criteria in the multi-oriented shipyard
industry so that it develops in accordance with the vision,
mission, goals and strategies. The criteria development process
involves identifying and reviewing relevant articles, classifying
and refining the criteria, conducting expert validity testing,
Pearson Product Moment validity testing, and reliability testing
using the Alpha (Cronbach) method. The expert validity testing
indicates that ‘people’ received the highest average score of 4.67
among the criteria, and ‘infrastructure’ scored the highest in the
sub-criteria, with a score of 4.75. The validity testing with the
Pearson Product Moment method demonstrates that the criteria
and sub-criteria are valid and the reliability of 32 sub-criteria
indicating their influence on promoting multi-oriented and
environmentally sustainable shipbuilding industries